Friday, January 13, 2017


‘SKumm’s Thoughts’


I don’t like getting political online. I don’t like discussing politics in general; I know it is an important part of my life as an American citizen, but if I find myself not all that knowledgeable on a subject, I tend to stay out of the discussion.

Kinda like how when my friends start talking about sex, and I fall oddly quiet. Yeah, not much going on there, either.

Movies? I’ll talk your ear off about movies. About directors, cinematographers, writers, actors—I have a butt-load of knowledge in my head about the industry. I studied it in college, and I study it every time I watch a movie or write a review. Hollywood is the one school which never ceases to compel, fascinate, anger, enrapture, and completely capture my imagination. It is a school I will never graduate from, and one that will never allow me to make money from what I have learned from it’s vast library of time and knowledge. (yeah, I write all this for free, kids—honestly, would you pay for the crap I produce?!?)

Now, I know all about history when it comes to American politics. I am certainly well versed in the First Amendment, because I exercise my right to free speech every stinking week, be it here or on my blog. Meryl Streep recently exercised her right to free speech.

Donald Trump responded with his right to speak freely.

You may or may not like what Ms. Streep said, but she came off as reasonably smarter than Mr. Trump, whose response was basically that she is overrated. I have seen people posting insults and hatred in her direction all week, and, seriously, STOP ALREADY.

Actually, no, I take that back. Who am I to tell someone that they cannot say whatever is on their minds? Who am I to say someone is not allowed to voice their opinions, or to stand up for what they believe in? It is a singular and glorious component of our freedom, as Americans, to encourage and practice the wonderful and unarguable right to free speech.

Why should ANY American tell another not to raise up their voices in defiance of what they believe to be wrong? Why would any citizen of this country want to demean another for saying something negative about the person that they voted for? SERIOUSLY.

Wake up, America.

You have the choice to vote for whomever you want, and the choice to defend whomever you feel needs defending. You also have the option of thinking before you do so. You have the responsibility to those that do not have the freedom that you do, people that watch us from other countries, those impoverished and segregated because of their own religious or political beliefs, to show that the right to free speech isn’t just for those that are bullies or dictators. You have the responsibility to not speak with hatred and ignorance just because someone has voiced a political opinion. There is an absolute necessity that you show the world your comments can be intelligent and respectful, and that it reflects the joy in having the freedom to voice your opinion without fear of recrimination.

You see, people in some countries are beaten for opposing the current political regime. Some people are imprisoned, some hanged, for daring to speak out against the wrongs done to them on a daily basis.

When is the last time an American president was allowed to revoke your rights? When is the last time an American president ordered someone beaten or imprisoned because someone voiced a view opposite of their agenda? When is the last time a person of political power in this country told you that you were underrated?

Oh. Yeah. That.

Don’t get me wrong here, kids—I am by no means stepping into the political fray. Don’t have a dog in this fight. What I do have is an appreciation for a woman, a distinguished and charitable woman, who gets up and speaks her mind in a time when political sensitivity is at an all-time (and ridiculously so) time. Trump is a hell of a businessman—I do not have to like or dislike him as a person, because I do not know him personally. But I respect the fact that he has been in the business of making money for as long as he has, and I can respect how far his resolve has gotten him.

Trump is a hell of a businessman, and Streep is a hell of an actress. They both excel in their jobs. They make pretty decent paychecks.

And they both pay taxes.

Their taxes are probably ten thousand times greater than my annual salary.

Now; what right do I have to belittle them, or tell either of them to shut up? Seems to me, I don’t. My opinion of either of them doesn’t really matter here. What does matter is that if we, as individual Americans, are so ready to oppress someone else’s opinion… well, that kinda nullifies the entire “free speech” bit now, doesn’t it? Kinda makes us sound like schoolyard bullies trying to pick a fight.

Kinda makes us all sound like little pompous dictators, doesn’t it?

And you know what? You cannot be a dictator… (wait for it)… without being a dick.

Again, don’t get me wrong, I am not telling anyone to not voice their opinion. And I won’t belittle anyone for doing so. But fellow Americans, do the entire world a favor: LOSE THE HATRED.

You’re better than that.

You are America, for the love of the Sweet Baby Hey-Zeus; start acting like it.

-- T.S. Kummelman

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