‘Blu-ray or Bust’
(2018, PG-13, 111 minutes, UNIVERSAL/LEGENDARY PICTURES)
Disappointment, thy name is “Sequel”.
Recently, we’ve seen a few series reboots (TOMB RAIDER, JUMANJI) that
worked spectacularly—possibly due to the fact that the films are decades
apart. But five years after PACIFIC RIM,
a sequel, which was originally stuck in development hell, and saw its original
creator and director step away from the project (although he is given a
production credit here), seemed a long shot.
Methinks they should have sat on this one for a bit longer…
UPRISING, or, as I like to call it, PACIFIC RIM: UPCHUCKING, sees a new
threat in the Kaiju’s invasion of earth, this time with the help of nefarious
humans and one infected scientist. Enter
John Boyega as Jake Pentecost, son of Stacker Pentecost, the hero of the first
film. He is a scrapper, stealing parts
from defunct Jaegers in an effort to support his lavish lifestyle of living in
abandoned mansions. (yeah, doesn’t make
much sense to me either, as he brags about being a squatter) (more on squatting
later…) He gets drafted into the functioning
Jaeger program by his half-sister Mako, survivor of the first film. From there, it all gets predictable and, at
times, utterly monotonous.

I hoped for something better, something that showed a bit more effort. The effects are fine—honestly, if you just
HAVE TO HAVE A TURD IN YOUR MOVIE COLLECTION, you might as well get this on
Blu-ray. The few battles that there are,
not to mention the booming footfalls and resounding punches and grunts, will
make it easier to stomach in the format.
But just barely.
Should we point fingers? Should we
seek out someone to blame? Not Warner
Brothers, that’s for sure—they distributed the first, but were smart enough to
pass on this one. Also, you cannot blame
Boyega; riding high on the success of his STAR WARS films, he is allowed to
make a few mistakes. And he does fine
here, even eliciting a few chuckles along the way.
How about the director? Prior to
this, his theatrical debut, Steven S. DeKnight directed exactly one episode of
Netflix’s “Daredevil”, one episode of Fox’s defunct “Dollhouse”, two episodes
of “Smallville”, and three of “Angel”.
He also wrote several episodes of the “Spartacus” series, and has
produced a number of series. Including
one called “Travel Boobs”.
But as this was his theatrical debut, maybe we shouldn’t point the finger
at him. The studio probably got him
cheap, and, really, who wouldn’t want to direct a big-time studio movie?
Okay, so perhaps we shouldn’t lay all of the blame at the feet of an
inexperienced director. Let’s take a
look at the writers—there are three besides DeKnight, two of whom also wrote
mostly for television, and the other adapted the “Maze Runner” books. As I am a near failure at writing, who am I
to admonish those that have found success with their screenwriting abilities? Even if said success resulted in this mess,
From the rehashed and over-used dialogue (“We’ve only got one shot at
this!” “Then we better make it count!”)
to the easy set-up plot points (hmm, I wonder if that little bitty homemade
Jaeger is going to come in handy later…), this film is inadvertently brimming
with references to other, better films.
“Gee, TS,” you are wondering, “can’t you just watch something and have
Nope. Not when it is this
horrible. I’ll be the first to admit
that the original PACIFIC RIM is a total guilty pleasure of mine. I love what Guillermo del Toro did with the
ideas, the effects, even the cheesy dialogue.
It all worked wonderfully in that you didn’t care how corny most of it
was, you just couldn’t wait for the next big monster battle. With this far-too late and far-too
underwhelming sequel…well, it’s like a dog dragging its butt over a finely
woven carpet. Sorry for the visual, but
this one is a stain, kids—and it’s the kind that doesn’t wash out so easily.
In the words of The Dude Himself, “that rug brought the whole room
together”. This one just craps it all
Film Grade: D
Special Features: Honestly, who cares?
Blu-ray Necessary: Absolutely (but only if you feel like justifying that
dog turd in your movie collection to all of your friends and family…)
- T.S.Kummelman