‘Blu-ray or Bust’
(2016, R, 163 minutes, 16:14 ENTERTAINMENT/COLUMBIA PICTURES)
I find it difficult to not judge sequels by their source material—granted,
you kind of have to. Typically, the
first film has to have been of a certain caliber to warrant a follow up. Even in instances where we are given closure
at the end of the first film.
Then there are the money grabs—sequels that exist solely for the purpose of
making a buck. Franchises like Michael
Bay’s metal-strewn and thoroughly visually confusing TRANSFORMERS flicks are
money grabs; there is little or no artistic merit there, just a studio banking
on the Teenage Holy Dollar. Let’s not
leave out the FAST AND THE FURIOUS turds, either—even though recent attempts
have tried to up the “it factor” by trying to make JASON BOURNE-type, globetrotting
“thrillers”. But sometimes, follow-ups
are done the right way; the best example for me was always ALIENS. James Cameron took a classic film and created
a wholly new take on the tale. Instead
of one alien, Ellen Ripley suddenly found herself battling an entire hive with
the assistance of some well-armed space marines.
Now we have director Denis Villeneuve (SICARIO, ARRIVAL) taking on a film
made decades ago—another classic, and my second favorite film from Sir Ridley
Scott (…ALIEN, of course). And while the
best science fiction tales are the ones that explore the human element, and the
place of humans within that possible tomorrow, original screenwriter Hampton
Fancher is back to show you that story from the perspective of a machine and
its dream of human mortality.
The story centers on “K”, played with a seeming emotionless and muted
thoughtfulness by Ryan Gosling, a Blade Runner who starts off hunting another
“skin-job”, and winds up neck deep in an investigation which has him
questioning his own place in things. And
that’s as much of a description of the story as you are getting out of me; you
all know I don’t do spoilers, and I won’t ruin any aspect of the tale by giving
you any hints of things to watch for or story arcs to pay closer attention
to. This is a tale best witnessed by yourself,
and it might take more than one viewing for you to get everything. Seriously.
What is most surprising here, though, is the sweet and desperate underlying
love story, the human and non-human battles for symmetry and the grace of life,
and the struggles with identity and death.
Experiencing these slices of humanity through K’s eyes is what helps
make this a worthy and beautiful sequel to what Sir Ridley gave to us three and
a half decades ago. And at almost two
hours and forty-five minutes, you would think it could all get overbearing and
really freaking heavy at times. But
under the genius eye of cinematographer Roger Deakins (THE SHAWSHANK
REDEMPTION, SICARIO), every aspect of the landscape, not to mention the
perspective of every character, is captured in such a way that you never feel
alienated. You are necessary to the
viewing of this modern masterpiece; after all, it is your emotions which
complete the experience.
There are numerous special features, including the two “prequels” released
online prior to the theatrical release.
Do not mistake these for padding—they are each thoughtful little
mini-stories, rare gifts from a filmmaker that cares about what you are seeing
and experiencing. There are also docs on
the special effects, including one on how they pulled off a particularly
captivating love scene.
Take your time with this one, kids; great science fiction deserves your
attention. Just be sure to turn the base
down on your surround sound, or you could wind up getting the attention of your
downstairs 80-year old landlord. Try
explaining an android love story to an 80-year-old…
Grade: A
Special Features: B+
Blu-ray Necessary: Abso-freaking-lutely
-- T.S. Kummelman
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