Wednesday, March 29, 2017

'Blu-ray or Bust' - ASSASSIN’S CREED

'Blu-ray or Bust'

Dear Michael Fassbender:

I love you. Not in a “want to see you naked kind of way”, of course—even if you are at the top of my Go-to-Gay-Guy List.

Rather, I love your style, your commitment to whatever film you are making. You have become one of the more prolific actors of my time; you go from drama (FRANK) to western (the brilliant SLOW WEST) to Shakespearean (MACBETH) in the blink of an eye. But having your exceptional skills on display in genre films is what sets you apart from any other actor working today. My favorite role of yours thus far has been as “David” in Ridley Scott’s PROMETHEUS; the subtle need you bring to the role, from David’s longing to connect on a human level to the moment he gives in to his own mechanical and logical programming, is nothing short of mesmerizing. Not to mention your take on “Magneto” in the X-MEN franchise.

But, dude. I’m sure that the idea of turning video game hit “Assassin’s Creed” into a film sounded awesome. Instant moneymaker, right? Great special effects, Jeremy Irons, exquisite attention to detail with the set design and the science behind the film, and you as the lead actor? All the ingredients you need for a blockbuster hit, correct?

Unfortunately, somebody forgot about the script. Or decided that it should be aimed solely at thirteen-year-olds that don’t think a mechanical apple from God is a stupid plot device. I don’t want to take away from your performance—as usual, you, sir, are a passionate artist whose love of the craft shows through in every role you play. Not your fault that, at its core, this just really is not a great movie.

I mean, everything looks good. From the weapons to the abs to the stunts and effects, the movie LOOKS fantastic. But it isn’t. I hate to be repetitive, yet… a freaking holy APPLE?!? That just happens to hold the genetic code for free will?!?

WHICH ONE OF THE SCREENWRITERS WAS SMOKING CRACK WHEN THEY CAME UP WITH THE STUPID APPLE?!! They couldn’t come up with a different holy relic to protect? Like the baby Jesus’s pacifier? The Technicolor raincoat was busy? Hell, I know where the frickin’ arc of the covenant is being stored—all you had to do was call!

I have to say that, outside of your performance and the sets, the best thing about this Blu-ray release are the special features. Talk about all-inclusive and detailed… I appreciate the attention given to every aspect of how this pretty mess was created. Seeing the actual locations, the concepts behind the costume design—not stuff you see in many releases, and I enjoyed seeing the actual movie-making process instead of everyone sitting around and talking about how much they like each other. It had these little touches that sometimes lift the documentaries above the film itself.

Sorry, Mr. Fassbender. As much as I want to tell the world how awesome another one of your films is, I honestly cannot with this one. The biggest compliment I can relay here is that this film doesn’t deserve you.

But I do, so call me sometime, we’ll chat!

T.S. Kummelman

Grade: C+
Special Features: A
Blu-ray Necessary: If you must

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