Thursday, February 25, 2016

The 'Not-So-Critical' Critic: THE WITCH

The 'Not-So-Critical' Critic: 
on THE WITCH (2015, 92 minutes, R)


The Quick of It -
Ok, so the word on the 'street' was this film showed promise.  Well, don't listen to the street.  
A period piece set in colonial America has the groundwork for a great film.  The setting and premise are solid, keeping to a rustic and 'truth in film' atmosphere.   You may get put off by the language as your ear has to adjust for the first 30 minutes, but you also spend that time waiting... and waiting.  Director Robert Eggers shows you he can make something out of nothing, just this was not the strongest story development he could have gone with.  By keeping too close to the formula, where it seems a documentary made into a live-action film, the story losses the flair needed to impress.  There are the bits of tension, the clever use of past references, and imagery that could haunt you... but the culmination leads to so little. 

Grade: D+

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