Wednesday, November 11, 2015

'Blu-ray or Bust' - POLTERGEIST

'Blu-ray or Bust'

I love me some Sam Rockwell.

The actor, who seems rather picky with the roles he chooses, is one of the better character actors working today.  His quick wit and delivery makes him an easy choice for a leading comedic role, and his dramatic performances have been underappreciated for some time now.

But apparently, Sam must have been drinking his lunch one day when he agreed to star in the un-scary remake of the classic Tobe Hooper film POLTERGEIST.  Honestly, where the hell did his integrity go?  Does some weasel of a studio exec have compromising pictures of Rockwell with a lemur and two stoned midgets?

The script, written by a guy used to writing kids films (David Lindsay-Abaire) is mostly stupid.  Gone is the charm of the original.  While there are some delightful moments with the kids interacting with each other, overall, the script is dull.  It follows some of the plot points and “scary” bits from the original, but trying to modernize certain aspects of the film was a mistake.  Also, cutting out other storylines from the first because you spend too much time exploring the new stupid parts is… well… STUPID.

Remember that nasty preying mantis-looking ghost at the top of the stairs that brings Jobeth Williams to her knees?  Gone.  The pool?  Nope, not there.  (Even a freaking kiddie pool would have worked better than the bubbly goo…)  Practical effects?  Ha.  CGI is the true monster here.  Well, that and THE STUPID SCRIPT.

As much as I like Rockwell, stay away from this one.  The only good parts of the film happen before any of the “oh crap, my daughter is in the flat screen TV” stuff does.  And the special features?  Who cares.  The last thing I want to see is a doc about how to write a stupid script, or how to make a bad movie thanks to a STUPID FREAKING SCRIPT.
Film Grade: D
Special Features: D-
Blu-ray Necessary: Only if you are the same person that liked the remake of THE THING.  Then yes, by all means, buy the most expensive version of this film you can find.  Then, go buy a copy of the stupid script online, and kindly beat yourself in the face with it.  A LOT.

T.S. Kummelman

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