Thursday, May 4, 2017

The 'Not-So-Critical' Critic: on THE CIRCLE

on THE CIRCLE (2017, 110 minutes, PG-13)

The ‘trend’ of books being adapted to film is an ongoing part of the ‘circle of life’ for Hollywood (yes, pun intended).  They take books in… chew them up… and poop them out.  This is one case that this ‘trend’ should take a step back and think about what projects to take on, because they stepped in a small pile.

Grabbing big name stars, like Emma Watson and Tom Hanks, sounds like a good plan.  So it should...  But this collaborative effort is lost thanks to her not being suited for the role and his minor part not being beyond the scope of the whole, just some added flavor.  Don’t get me wrong, they are both stellar actors.  Watson is working her way up the food chain and Hanks will always be regarding as nothing less than an apex predator.  Still, they are not enough to save THE CIRCLE.

As a book, this tech-thriller plot may have worked.  As a movie, it comes across flat and labored, a no thrills ride.  The heart is lost somewhere in the muddled social examination that is offered about the advancements of technology and making our lives available to all who dare to care.  Sure, there are struggles.  But after thirty minutes, “Who cares?” is ringing in my mind.

The idea of information being completely accessible to all, to include your more intimate parts of your life, has been around for a while.  Why this film wanted to feel relevant or progressive to the current state of social media is lost on me.  Maybe in the 90’s we could feel the impact of The Information Age creeping into our darkest, most secret, moments.  By its conclusion, I have seen better ‘Black Mirror’ episodes.

In the end, we are just making fertilizer here.  There are no clever moments and no stimulating scenes of surviving the system.  The one take-away, it has the same feel as ARRIVAL – a sense of what could really happen, a potential dialogue concerning invasion of privacy in the not too distant future.  Although, manure is just a part of the ‘circle of life’. 

So, who knows?

Grade: C-

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